Whatcha got there?
On a croissant?
Yeah? So? Croissants are perfectly acceptable sandwich platforms.
I know. What’s on it?
Chicken salad.
Pretty good?
Yeah. My wife made it.
Can I have a bite?
(Takes a bite.)
Wow. That’s a diverse concoction there.
Pretty good, huh?
Yeah. It’s okay.
No. Actually I don’t even like chicken salad.
Why did you ask for a bite, then?
I thought today might be the day.
Yeah, I think so. Did she make the croissant?
No. She got them from Costco.
Nice. I love Costco. Love that cheap gas.
Seriously. The only thing I don’t get is the people who stand at the door and mark your receipt as you leave.
What do you mean? They’re just making sure you don’t get out with something you didn’t pay for.
I know but they never look very hard. All I’d have to do is bury an Xbox 360 under a vat of peanut butter and a bucket of bean sprouts.
You should try it and tell me how it works out.
You’d like that.
Would I?
Yeah you would.
At least I don’t like bean sprouts.
What’s wrong with sprouts?
They’re disgusting.
You don’t…who doesn’t like sprouts?
Me for one.
Well, I think they’re delicious.
Good for you.