Six black kids are in jail for beating up a white kid.
Did the white kid do something to them?
Well, there was this tree at this high school—Jena High School—where white kids usually hung out and one day during an assembly a black kid asked if the black kids could hang out there, too. The principle said yes but the next day there were nooses hanging from the branches of the tree.
Yeah. Then this white kid got beat up. I don't know if he was in on the noose thing or not or how he's involved. I don't know a whole lot about it.
You'd think this stuff was way behind us.
You really would; that we're better than that.
Do you think the kids tied the nooses?
I don't know. Why?
I'm just wondering how the kids learned how to tie nooses.
I don't know.
Do you know how to tie one?
Me neither.
It's probably standard elementary school curriculum of the south.
Yeah. Like how they split up the girls and boys for the maturation classes—they split up the blacks and whites for noose tying classes.
What would the blacks learn in their class?
Good question. How to peacefully assemble and march to city hall?
Yeah, right.
What's maturation?
I can't even talk to you.