You know how the internet is so great and everything?
I have to be honest. I love the things I can do on the internet and all, but I just don’t do a lot. I mean I search for answers to questions but that’s about it.
What else do you want?
I don’t know. I wish I had more of an online presence.
What do you mean?
I mean like...friends…and people I talk to. Sites I check regularly. I wish I was making some kind of contribution to the world wide web, you know?
Why don’t you start a blog?
I tried that once and I felt really superficial. Really...egocentric.
Well, why don’t you join some interest group or something?
Yeah, maybe.
Well, what is it you want, man? Do you want to find someone to hook up with? Cause there’s a lot of that going on. All you’ve got to do is go to Craigslist…
No, no, no. Not that.
Well, what do you think people are doing on the web that’s so great? 95% of the web is junk created by losers sitting at their computers in their bedrooms with way too much time on their hands.
Really? I think you’re wrong, man. Maybe it was like that back in the 90’s when the web was all so new. I think today, though, it’s all about getting out of the bedrooms and basements and into the world. I mean with wi-fi and laptops and smart phones becoming the standard it’s all about mobility and agility. Web 2.0, man. Web 2.0.
Whatever 2.0. The net is still filled with junk—even if it’s pretty, interactive, agile junk. I mean, really, what’s so great about an interactive web? What’s so great about people being able to make anonymous comments on blogs and news stories with no repercussion or responsibility? A world wide web of big mouths is what we have. Who needs that? And who wants to make friends on social sites but not face to face?! That’s messed up, man. We’re creating a community of citizens who trudge silently through their daily lives but have outspoken, vigorous identities when they’re in having faceless, private time on the web.
There’s more to it than that. You’re thinking in terms of two separate worlds—online and offline. That paradigm is gone, man. People nowadays see the two worlds as one. Life is online. Online is life. It’s one organic whole. You’re thinking archaically.
No I’m not. I’m thinking humanely.
What are you, the whistleblower of inhumanity? First Borat and now the internet? The internet is not inhumane.
It can be when taken to extremes which is, I think, the direction we’re heading.
Man, you’re doomsday. Anything taken to extremes is inhumane. Drinking water in extremes is inhumane. Breathing in extremes is inhumane. You gotta be more flexible in your thinking. The world isn’t ending.
I’m not saying that. I’m saying things are getting lost. Like meeting a person face to face and having the social skills to build a relationship through verbal communication and physical expression.
You know what? You’re probably right. The world’s not ending but you’re right on that one.
Thank you.
Well, I don’t think you need to thank me.
No, it takes a big person to admit when you’re wrong.
Whoa, I didn’t admit I was wrong. I was just saying you had a good point. And so did I. I’m not wrong. We’re both right.
Mmm…I don’t know….