Did you catch Friday Night Lights the other night?
Part of it. I had to miss the end, but I tivoed it so don’t say anything.
Do you think Saracen is going to get the start?
I don’t know. He pisses me off. He’s obviously got game—I mean, you don’t get to QB 2 out of luck. But he’s so timid. I don’t even know why he’s playing.
I know. I bet Voodoo takes it. He’s got game and he’s got the cool competitive mentality.
That he does. I’m pulling for Saracen, though. Especially after how his dad talked to him.
Yeah, definitely. I hope he gets the coach’s daughter, too. She’s cute.
She is cute, but I hate how they throw that in, though. They have to make it stupid with romance.
What? What are you talking about? It’s a show about high school kids. Isn’t romance a part of high school?
Sure, but it’s a show about football. If they wanted it to be about romance, they should’ve called it Friday Night Dances.
So you just want them to show hour after hour of film from fictional games and practices?
No, I just hate how every show on tv is basically the same, though. No matter what they say the show is "about" there's a little action, a little mystery, some humor and a lot of romance. Pisses me off.
Take it easy there, Buckminster.
I just don’t understand what’s so wrong with making a show that doesn’t have to be everything all at once. If you want to make a show about football—make a show about football and call it good. If you want to make a show about relationships—make it about relationships. Why do they always have to blend? Like The Office. Great show. Until they made it all weighed down by Jim and Pam's relationship. Who cares? I don't care if they get together.
And look at the tragedy of Lost. I was hooked on that show from the beginning. I absolutely loved it. I mean there was a great story and great characters. It delivered as promised. But they’ve made it too drawn out with flashbacks and romance and emotional involvement. Hardly any answers to the questions they raised in the first few episodes.
It's like a drug. It's like Lost is meth. Sure the hits are nice but you don't realize that it's rotting your teeth and sucking the life out of your body. I just want the show to get back to the black ghosty thing and the polar bears. I don’t care if Kate and Sawyer are in love. I don’t care if Sun had an affair with some bald dude that threw himself off the 30th floor of a hotel. All that stuff is rotting my teeth and sucking the life out of my body. I just don’t care. If you tell me the story is going to be about people who get marooned on a mysterious island, then stick to the people on the mysterious island. Just give me what you say you’re going to give me. If you want to throw in all that other stuff then write a book or a trilogy or something.
You need to calm down.