I hate the phrase “heart of hearts.”
What does that even mean? “Heart of hearts”? I mean when you stop to think about it I can see it means “really down deep,” or whatever, but people use it all the time and I swear they do it just to sound smart, you know?
I don’t think I’ve heard it that often.
I have. And it always sounds odd. Wrong. Like people are trying to throw in a Latin phrase into their conversation or something.
Like “habeas corpus”?
Yeah, exactly. Or “a capite ad calcem.”
What’s that?
From head to heel.
Cool. What about “melius frangi quam flecti”?
What’s that?
It is better to break than to bend.
Nice! How about “Est deus in nobis”?
I don’t know that one.
There is a god inside us.
Cool. The last one I know is “Lupus est homo homini.”
I’ve never heard that one.
Man is wolf to man.
Whoa, that’s awesome!
You know any more?
“Qvi nescit dissimlare nescit regnare.”
What’s that?
He who doesn’t know how to lie doesn’t know how to rule.
Last one: “Intelligenti pauca.”
Few words suffice for he who understands.