I got my Shins tickets today!
When are they coming?
Next month.
Who are you going with?
My wife.
I didn’t know she liked The Shins.
Yeah, she does. Well, I mean, of all the bands I listen to she likes The Shins probably more than the rest. She went with me last time they came through.
That’s pretty cool.
Yeah. She’s a closet hipster.
I’m so pumped for the show!
I like a good show, too, but aren’t The Shins…uh…kind of…
Well, yeah. I’ve talked to people who’ve seen ’em and they haven’t been too pleased with the show.
I can see that. I wouldn’t say they’re the most, uh, dynamic performers but I don’t mind. I mean, I like to see guys rock the stage as much as anyone but I like The Shins’ style. I don’t mind watching guys stand in one place and play their instruments. I think that’s what I’d do if I was in a band. Not that I’d be a shoegazer, but you know. Anyway, when I go to a show I pretty much stand in one place and watch so I guess we’re a good match.
You don’t dance or anything?
Run around?
No. No running.
Moving around swiftly?
Not really. I mean if my legs or feet get tired I’ll shift my weight around or maybe walk a few steps between songs.
That’s it?
How can you stand that, man? I gotta dance and jump around.
I just like to take it all in, you know? I can dance and jump around in my own house anytime I like. But I’m lucky if I get to see a band once in my life.
I don’t know. I can’t just sit there.
Well, that’s why I don’t mind The Shins’ show. Did you see them on SNL?
Yeah. I liked the songs but they did seem kind of boring.
No way, man. That thing the keyboardist did with the plastic pipe during “New Slang” was so cool.
When he swung that pipe around?
Yeah? Well, you’re boring.