How do you think dj’s keep from getting tired of playing the same music over and over?
There’s no way they could.
I wonder if they play games or something in the booth to take their mind off the music. Like Nerf basketball. That’s what I’d do.
I have a friend from high school who went into broadcasting. All he ever wanted was to become a dj. He loved music and knew more about music than anyone I ever knew before or since. He went to college and got his degree while working at the college radio station. After he finished school he did an internship at Z100 in NYC and then got a full time position at a station in Duluth.
He was really happy and everything and that was the last I talked to him up until eight months ago. He called me out of nowhere to catch-up. I asked him about his job and he said he hadn’t been a dj for years. He’d gotten out of the business because he couldn’t take it anymore. When I asked him what happened he said, “Listening to all those Sting songs over and over drove me crazy.” I thought he was kidding but he wasn’t.
He said after about five years at the station in Duluth he could never get Sting out of his head. His songs just kept repeating over and over and over. He started having trouble sleeping. Then he started to miss work. Then he started losing control of his temper. Then his wife left him. Then he got a bunch of parking violations around town that he just brushed off so they impounded his car.
One day it all came to a head when he was in the DC Six Ave Milk House there in Duluth. Sting’s song “If You Love Somebody Set Them Free” came over the radio and he just snapped. The police got called in and he got tasered and put in jail for the weekend. He jumped bail and went down to Florida and he’s been working at a newsstand ever since.
All because of Sting?!
All because of Sting.
That’s frightening.
They should have support groups for dj’s.
That’s a good idea.
SS meetings instead of AA.
What does SS stand for?
Sting Sanity.
I wonder if I set that up if it could count toward my community service.
You have to do community service?
How much?
500 hours.
What for?
J walking.
You must've done a lot of j walking.
I have.