Monday, December 11, 2006

Superheroes and God Cancel Each Other Out


Do you think superheroes believe in God?


No. Why would they?


Why wouldn’t they?


Why would they?


They could.


They wouldn’t.


They might.


They don’t.




Definitely not.




There’s no reason for them to. They are god.


I don't know about that.


Have you seen Batman Begins?




That part where Batman is holding that guy above the alley and he’s asking him why the shipment is getting sent to two separate places and Batman doesn’t believe him and the guy says, “I swear to God!” and Batman says, “Swear to me!”


Yeah, well, I don't think he was saying "Swear to me because I am God." I just think he wanted that dude to tell him where the stuff was going.


Have you ever seen a superhero pray? Have you ever heard any prophet or scripture refer to superheroes? Superheroes only exist in a godless world. You can’t have both. They’d cancel each other out and you’d have zero.


Zero what?


Zero anything that god or superheroes do. Zero anything to hear your prayers. Zero force for good. Zero hope for the common citizen. Zero life saving heroics. Zero protection against the bad superheroes. Zero catching little boys that fall over the rail at Niagara Falls.


I guess that makes sense.


You bet it does. Because it's true.