Who listens to Spoon?
Buck. Why?
I just saw this Gimme Fiction cd.
Yeah, that’s Buck’s. He really likes them. He really, really likes them. Like in a mystical, kind of…um…romantic way. You know what I mean? I mean I can say I love something but it doesn’t mean that I really l-o-v-e love it, you know? But that’s how he is with Spoon.
L-o-v-e love?
Yeah. Like more than just like. More than a fan of something. Just really…really.
It’s kind of hard to explain.
Hey, I know! You should ask him about it. I bet he’d go off and then you could see what I mean by l-o-v-e love. You want to? It’ll be sweet!
Buck! Buck!
Right here.
Oh, hey. Chick saw your Gimme Fiction cd and was wondering what you thought of Spoon.
(Turns to face Chick.) A Series of Sneaks was the first album of theirs I heard and from the first notes of “Utilitarian” I realized I’d been missing it my entire life. Like a man who wakes up and realizes he can see when all he thought he could do was feel around in the dark. Or like a man that wakes up and realizes he has two legs when he thought he only had one. Or like a man who wakes up one day and realizes he has a son when he only thought he had…no sons.
Sometimes I get in these moods where all I want to listen to is Spoon. There’s something sinister about their music. Something dark. Secret. And I’ll get in an equally sinister, dark and secret mood and it just fits right to listen to their music. It matches my feeling symmetrically. It’ll go on for a week or two and then nothing. I’m done. I won’t listen to them for another three or four months. In fact, I’ll get to the point where I wonder if I even like them anymore. But I do. I’ll never put them away for good. There’s just too much in it for me. Too much for me to glean from their music. I can’t walk away. I can’t just walk away from the son I just realized I had, you know? Have you ever been so into anything that you couldn’t walk away? I mean, even if you wanted to? Ever?
I don’t think so.
I have. And I am.
Thanks, Buckminster.
(Buck leaves.)
L-o-v-e love.
Now I get it.