Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Likes and Dislikes Discussed


Do you like Halloween?
What’s not to like?
I don’t like dressing up.
Why not?
It makes me feel uncomfortable.
Really? Why?
I don’t know it just does.
So you never dressed up in a costume?
I’m sure I did when I was a kid but I must’ve blocked them all out because I can only remember three costumes I’ve ever worn. And one was as an adult just a couple years ago for a friend’s Halloween party.
What’d you go as?
A punk. I had blue hair and nose and ear piercings and a t-shirt that I’d written “Helter Skelter” on and I wore some really baggy camo cargo shorts and a pair of cherry red Dr. Marten boots.
It was cool. I actually did like that one. It was very engaging. People were really taken aback. Probably because I project myself as conservative and quiet but I’ve got a punk streak in me people don’t see.
What were the other two costumes you dressed up in?
Donald Duck and a ninja.
So you have a Donald Duck streak in you?
I guess I did when I was young.
Don’t you like the candy part of Halloween?
I don’t really care for candy. I mean, if it’s there I’ll probably eat some but I’d never make it an issue to purchase any.
I like Halloween. A lot of people like Halloween.
I know they do. That’s fine. I like being comfortable.