Where would you go if you had a private jet?
Right now?
I didn’t know dung beetles fished.
We do. We just do it with our back legs and use a mirror.
How about you?
I’d probably go to
I didn’t know sloths backpacked.
We don’t. I was thinking maybe I could pioneer the sport of sloth backpacking.
That’d be cool.
Yeah, I’d be revered.
Really? Revered? Not just acclaimed or celebrated? Praised or applauded? I mean, revered is pretty big stuff. I’ll have to check, but I think it’s like two degrees from worshipped.
I know. But it’s there for the taking.
Well, then, take on. Take off. Take it away.
Whenever I think about going to
You don’t think they have laws against that kind of thing?
I guess so but I’m worried they’ll find a loop hole.
You worry too much. Go to
You’re probably right.